Riding home in the car the other night, I looked down at my marker-stained hands and smiled. Today was a good day I thought as I remembered the smiling faces of my little piano students. I thought of the look of wonder on the face of one student’s little brother as I showed him why his picture showed up on both sides of the paper he was drawing on. I remembered another student writing “I love piano!” on the whiteboard in our room, and another reaching out to touch my long hair and saying wistfully, “I know how to braid.” : )
Never mind finals looming overhead, never mind the lesson with the student who just would not stay still, never mind the room that looked like a whirlwind at the end of the day, never mind the student who likes to say “no” to everything, it was a good day. It was just an ordinary day, but I was exactly where the Lord wanted me, working at exactly what He had given me to work at. There is such a blessedness in that!
I'm so glad you could say at the end of the day, "I'm glad". It is amazing how thankfulness is the best cure for discontent - isn't God amazing?
He is, indeed! Who else would think to make three different colors of my favorite flowers grow in our yard, or to give us a view of Mt. Hood from our front porch, or make my room the one that gets the morning sun, or do any of the many, many gracious things He does each day for me! -But that's another post for another day. :)
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