Thursday, April 17, 2014

Chasing Rainbows

Once upon a stormy day,
I saw a rainbow bright
I moved to gain a closer view,
But found it quite the fight.

I found with every step I took
The rainbow moved apace 
With spritely strides and playful gait,
It led a merry chase.

At last, I knew not what to do,
This rainbow had me beat.
I sighed, with a dull, defeated air
And took a mossy seat.

'Twas there, amidst the dew and sun
I sat to mourn my grave defeat
And found I had not yet begun 
To see the rainbow's beauty sweet.

I learned that day a wondrous truth
Whilst in that sedentary truce,
For sitting there, I gained a view
Which chasing never could produce.

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