All my life, I have been called “Princess” by those around me. It is not a nickname my family calls me, but as long as I can remember, there have been those who have called me princess. In fact, the name Gwendolyn is actually a Welsh equivalent of Guinevere. (Or, at least, they both mean the same thing.)
When I was very young, there were always people saying things like; “hello little princess!” My best childhood friend and I always used to play dress-up as princesses. Then, as I grew older, I had certain friends who would send me letters addressed to “Her Royal Highness Princess Gwendolyn” or something similar.
I had thought that I would outgrow the whole “Princess” thing, and as far as adults are concerned, I think I have. Now, however, it has been picked up by those younger than me. One of my younger students called me “Princess Gwennie” for at least the first month or two of piano lessons because the church I was teaching in looked like a castle. Several of my other little students have called me that as well. –I’m not even sure how that got started.
My favorite “princess” story, though, is from my sister’s wedding last August. During the reception, I was sitting with all the kids at their table, (I somehow became instant “auntie” to all of them, even though most of them had never met me before.) and all of a sudden, the boy who seemed to be their unofficial spokesman said: “I have a question.” Surprised, I asked what his question was. He answered: “Why are you dressed like a princess?” (Apparently princesses always wear dresses with “pink and lace”, like the one I happened to be wearing that day.) : )
Yet, in a way, I really am a princess. In my morning reading today I came across 2 Corinthians 6:16-17:
“Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and I will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.”
When I got saved, I became a daughter of the King of Kings, thus I really am a princess.
Princesses have a responsibility, though, to represent their father. Another verse I read this morning was 2 Corinthians 5: 20, which reminded me again that I am an ambassador for Christ. I must endeavor to live in such a way that others would not see any goodness of my own, but rather the grace of God at work in my life.
This was a very timely reminder for me, because we have had two workmen at our house for the last week, installing a furnace. It occurred to me that their impression of our family and our home may be, in fact, the thing that defines their concept of what a Christian is. That is a very sobering thought. Please pray for Josh and John, who are working at our house for another day or so, and also for our family, as we try to be good ambassadors for Christ.